Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]
She pushes the shipping containers of other co-workers along with her own so that she could get done faster.
(1 January 2020)
How to make him REGRET REJECTING you?
(1 January 2020)
I like a boy but he rejected me.But I want to make him regret it . If he sees that I'm doing good without him and I am having success in life and if I start to take more care of myself will he regret not choosing me and start liking me ?
(1 January 2020)
I feel like getting a woman pregnant, is that normal?
(1 January 2020)
How to deal with missing my boyfriend?
(1 January 2020)
Why would someone ask me who I went with to an event party in the city?
(1 January 2020)
Why assume that I went with someone?
(1 January 2020)
Do most people ask you who you went with?
(1 January 2020)
I told someone I went to this event & he asked me who I went with?
(1 January 2020)
Im trying to get closer to her and texting her in this instagram group chat but she's always talking her irl friends and I feel out of place, so I just leave and hope that she's be alone the next time I check the groupchat.
(1 January 2020)
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