Sunday, 10 November 2019

Addressing unsolicited, rude messages.

Hi folks. Hubby and I, separately and together, have met some pretty cool folks via Meelp. Every now and then, though unfortunately, individuals seem to think this an appropriate venue to express nast_ Denise:We have chatted for a week and we decided to finally meet each other.(29 October 2019) Denise:There’s this person that I have been closed [...]

We started talking more and we are in another class together sophomore year of college.
(6 November 2019)

I have been friends with this guy since last year, we aren't super close but I was really attracted to him first semester freshman year and then second semester he sat next to me in class.
(6 November 2019)

Why do white girls these days like arab guys so much?
(6 November 2019)

I see so many couples, some even say they beat their girls up yet they are still with them cause they are scared.
(6 November 2019)

I am not looking for compliments I just wonder how would you judge my appearance?
(6 November 2019)

Why do women tap your shoulder when they bump into ya and say sorry?
(6 November 2019)

Does the shoulder tapping means anything?
(6 November 2019)

Why would a man not tell me his age when we met for our first date?
(6 November 2019)

I didn't find out later that he was almost a decade older.
(6 November 2019)

He knew I was in the first year of university.
(6 November 2019)

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