Wednesday, 9 October 2019

…In Which Ginger Discusses Erect Things And Soju

[image]Nothing like a picture of a giant erection to bring all the dick pics running to my yard…So, readers, as you can see, I’ve been in New York City. Just for fun, I took this interesting sh_ Theola:I’m not sure if that makes sense lol, but basically I’ve been told that guys only go for girls [...]

So when you're with a girl, and to your knowledge the two of you are just a hook up, than what are things you can look for to determine if she sees it as more than just a casual hookup?
(5 October 2019)

Yet I have known some who take having sex very seriously.
(5 October 2019)

I have always been under the impression that unless you two have sat down, talked, and agreed to be exclusive, than you're not.
(5 October 2019)

My imaginary boyfriend comes visit me?
(5 October 2019)

He would lay me on his chest and hold my hands as he tells me how beautiful I am.
(5 October 2019)

Why do girls cringe when they look at me?
(5 October 2019)

I am not gonna lie, I am slightly ugly though.
(5 October 2019)

Why do they cringe when they see me?
(5 October 2019)

They purposely make it obvious that they are looking at me and then they makes their cringe obvious.
(5 October 2019)

An unknown older women sent request on fb, then i accepted it. what does she want from me?
(5 October 2019)

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