Tuesday, 24 September 2019


- Eu não sou calendário que cê usa 30 diasVira a página, esquece que eu existo e someO mal não se alimenta a gente corta na raizE não adianta pedir perdãoNão prometa nunca o que você não vai_ Becki:Women do you notice hair growing in random places?(21 September 2019) Becki:Could you be on birth control when you [...]

I thought he might be feeling it too as he's constantly staring at me, listening in on my conversations, trying to talk to me at work, smiling at me, and texting me.
(21 September 2019)

I've had a crush on this guy I work with for a long time.
(21 September 2019)

How do I call out my roommate on his lies (read details)?
(21 September 2019)

I want to confront him about these lies successfully, but he always gets super defensive and has more lies thought out.
(21 September 2019)

He also sometimes tells people he was a lifelong vegan when he was really only a vegan for like 7 months.
(21 September 2019)

He used to tell people that his little cousin was actually his son and he was serious about it.
(21 September 2019)

He claims he is from the hard part of Philly, but he went to a school an hour outside of Philly.
(21 September 2019)

But he tells a lot of lies about where he is from and where he grew up.
(21 September 2019)

I am very close with my college roommate, and he is like a brother to me.
(21 September 2019)

How do I make my gf feel better?
(21 September 2019)

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