Monday, 12 August 2019

Healthy Eats!

Healthy Eats! [Image]Do you eat too much junk food?[image2]Do you like strawberries?[image3]How romantic little boobies!Healthy Eats!_ Lettie:There are so many people telling me that i should have been had kids but im trying.(6 August 2019) Lettie:I feel like I’m never going to have a baby.(6 August 2019) Lettie:My SO and I have been trying but no luck.(6 August [...]

They were little when he died so they would not have been aware of his treatment of me.
(9 August 2019)

If he really wasn't a good husband to you, abusive, but your children put him on a pedestal?
(9 August 2019)

I like a guy I don't want to like..?
(9 August 2019)

How do I stop liking him in this way?
(9 August 2019)

I don't think I'm his type (he likes rocker, heavy metal chicks). He definitely likes me as a friend and that is fine by me.
(9 August 2019)

He has great qualities (loves his kids, a gentleman, knowledgeable in things I am not, and overall a helpful and kind dude- except when he's mad). Even when he's being an unreasonable jackass, I'm really patient with him.
(9 August 2019)

Anywho, I have no clue as to why I like him so much.
(9 August 2019)

He also has a lot of baggage (twice divorced, two kids, and pregnant girlfriend who's giving the baby away for adoption), not to sound judgemental.
(9 August 2019)

I have feelings for this guy, and I'm trying to avoid it.
(9 August 2019)

Summer fling ending, heart aches?
(9 August 2019)

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