Sunday, 14 July 2019

What does it do

I’ve noticed that a lot of men , on this site. use cock rings. The y look uncomfortable so I am wondering why wear one. What do they do? Does the woman even care? Is it something she can feel?_ Lady:I dont know what happened but seeing her dress there, that cute dress with pink flowers [...]

I notice everyone including me that they talk about people behind their backs.
(11 July 2019)

Should I drop out of school since I'm homeless?
(11 July 2019)

I'm planning to drop out of school so I can get a job and help my family.
(11 July 2019)

We eat food from soup kitchens, homeless shelters and food pantries.
(11 July 2019)

My dad is disabled and my mom just lost her job a month ago.
(11 July 2019)

We are currently at a family friend's house and she is letting us live there for a while rent free.
(11 July 2019)

I'm 15 and me and my parents are homeless.
(11 July 2019)

My mother is still pressuring me to name my future child after this bad man named Jim we knew, what do I do about this?
(11 July 2019)

When this bad man Jim died of cancer I celebrated, only time I ever have.
(11 July 2019)

But the Jim she wants me to name him or her after was a horrible man who my mother liked only to get revenge on my Dad.
(11 July 2019)

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