Tuesday, 23 July 2019

I miss…

..you! I miss how you always make me feel…no one else made me feel that way. I love the way you smile, the way you look at me, the way you hold my hand. You made me forget about everything else,_ Numbers:What do u think when u see someone attractive?(21 July 2019) Numbers:Whats it like to be [...]

Long story short she is a cashier at a grocery store i go to like once a week.
(21 July 2019)

What are some fun single things to do?
(21 July 2019)

Had she been Flirting with me?
(21 July 2019)

She started this stuff after I asked for advice, . I told her someone said my hair looks like the clown from it and she said that's not nice.
(21 July 2019)

She joined the conversation said that the other girl will continue pushing boundaries and persisting if I don't say I'm not interested and ignore hrr.
(21 July 2019)

When I talked about another girl flirting with me and asking for advice from a woman I talk to in college to not lead her on.
(21 July 2019)

She sat between me and another woman Im friends with, talked to her she said something, smiled at me and looked deep into my eyes and didn't stop smiling and it felt awkward, if I didn't break the eye contact she probably would've continued.
(21 July 2019)

Why didn't Disney pick someone attractive to play Ariel?
(21 July 2019)

The only reason I'm re-asking it is because it got deleted.
(21 July 2019)

You don't need to say anything about me already asking this question because I know I did.
(21 July 2019)

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