Saturday, 18 May 2019

+_+ Spring house cleaning

Well, the taxes are in. Now on to the next task . Spring house cleaning! I usually use April 15th as the start date, but this year taxes are due today, April 18th. So where to start? I guess almost_ Rivka:If I didn’t feel anything during sex with this guy, does that mean he didn’t either?(13 [...]

What is your take on this relationship?
(14 May 2019)

He has often talked about the inequality of it & how nice it must be for her to live life how she wants without doing anything for it, but he always goes for the save at the end & it sounds more like he s reassuring himself than me.
(14 May 2019)

She has all hours of all days to do whatever she wants whenever she wants, while he pulls 12 hour shifts.
(14 May 2019)

He gives her $200 biweekly and she gets to use it however she wants.
(14 May 2019)

She s easily frustrated with him & often prefers to do things without him.
(14 May 2019)

They don t spend a lot of time really doing things together.
(14 May 2019)

She strongly lacks sexual interest in him, they usually go about like friends, & a year ago told him to get a girlfriend to make up for it.
(14 May 2019)

She rarely does housework, & doesn t do it well.
(14 May 2019)

The compromise was she would take up all of the housework & cook his meals, housewife duties minus children.
(14 May 2019)

Year 5-6 their marriage was under pressure because of uneven work load, & he decided that she isn t going to keep a job & that it has to be ok for the marriage to work.
(14 May 2019)

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