Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Cuming Home

Well, it looks like I will be coming back home for a few days in September.It’s a shame I can’t take more time to enjoy time back in Maryland. I like California, but there are so many things I miss ab_ Pamila:I tried finding answers else where online but can’t find anything. regarding this.(27 February 2019) Pamila:She [...]

He then ended the conversation by saying that he also went to a resort with his ex-girlfriend and then he ran away quickly.
(2 March 2019)

My friend and I were walking along the beach when one of the guys from school came up to chat.
(2 March 2019)

A group of us had gone on a school trip.
(2 March 2019)

How to show your crush that you want to get to know them?
(2 March 2019)

I haven't found him on social media though.
(2 March 2019)

I'm quite shy and I don't want to weird them out either.
(2 March 2019)

I want to get to know them more but I don't want to come off as creepy.
(2 March 2019)

I don't exactly know them that well yet.
(2 March 2019)

My Ex kept pics of her ex on Facebook?
(2 March 2019)

Guy asked me to be his girlfriend after the second date?
(2 March 2019)

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