Saturday 12 January 2019

Adult themed hotel

Your Next Suite Escape. There are still more hotels that have been offering rooms and suites for many years now that are designed to spark the fires of the sexually adventurous. Twenty-one different artist designed the rooms at the Copenhagen Hotel Fox. No trouble with the Elevators. The pool was very small and jammed with […]

Eventually we got in trouble because a lot of people think our friendship was weird since shes married.
(6 January 2019)

She didn't mind and we would always laugh.
(6 January 2019)

We were still really good friends, sometime while she was working at her computer I would come and talk to her.
(6 January 2019)

I used to have a crush on her, but shes marries with 2 kids and I respect her marriage.
(6 January 2019)

I had a really good friendship with this girl from my work.
(6 January 2019)

I feel really upset at the moment.
(6 January 2019)

What's the oldest and youngest you would date?
(6 January 2019)

I never feel good enough read below?
(6 January 2019)

I feel broken I always had an extreme low self esteem and she did things before that made it worse but this made me just plain depressed.
(6 January 2019)

So a few minutes ago my mom joked that if I had a kid it would ugly and weird just as me.
(6 January 2019)

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