Thursday, 31 January 2019

A followup to my last post……

After a bit of maneuvering, I was able to dig out most of my cassettes and vinyls to at lease take a photo of them to show you. Although you can’t read many of them, there is a wide variety of music_ Diane:She hasn’t asked me about my job or anything.(31 January 2019) Diane:I thought she wanted [...]

I was supposed to show up at the bar that he was going to if i had time but wasnt able to because it was too late by then.
(26 January 2019)

Then i panicked again when we were alone and started acting uninterested, then he started to seem uninterested too and headed to another bar.
(26 January 2019)

He started really flirting with me and being very touchy and very interested in me.
(26 January 2019)

Last night he happened to be at the bar i was tagged at being at.
(26 January 2019)

I ended up panicking and left before he would get there so i dont know if he showed up.
(26 January 2019)

I said ok maybe ill see you and he said you just might.
(26 January 2019)

He took an hour to respond saying he was thinking about going to such and such bar that id last talked to him.
(26 January 2019)

I messaged him a week ago that i would be at the bar and was wondering if he would be out too.
(26 January 2019)

He seems like he keeps trying to find ways to bump into me and ive ignored him the first time and the last couple of times it has escalated.
(26 January 2019)

So this guy ive known for 20 years and we have flirted off and on over the years, i just left a bad 19 year relationship and hes been divorced about a year.
(26 January 2019)

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