Saturday, 26 January 2019

15 not so important facts about sex

15 not so important facts about sex_ Candis:How can I get the demons out of my head when I think about them hanging out?(25 January 2019) Candis:I’ve talked to my gf about my discomfort with them but I want her to be friends with whoever she wants.(25 January 2019) Candis:The kid is going through a major hoe phase [...]

Have you ever loved someone but felt like nothing was there anymore?
(21 January 2019)

Anyway, has anyone been in this situation before?
(21 January 2019)

I'm tired of hearing him say IM SORRY, all through the relationship.
(21 January 2019)

I don't respect him as a man anymore and though I love him, it's not the same . just talking to him its not the same.
(21 January 2019)

Recently broke up with my bf of 4 years because he kept doing me wrong and this last time was the last straw for me.
(21 January 2019)

Question about snapchat message? Help, important!?
(21 January 2019)

I really dont want her to think im bothering her by snapping her again, especially since me and her dont talk like that anymore..
(21 January 2019)

Does this mean the message sent to her again?
(21 January 2019)

As soon as i reconnected to the wifi, the message said sending and now the message says delivered again, even though she already opened it.
(21 January 2019)

Ok so snapchat showed me a video a year ago that my crush took on my phone of me and her (well i dont like her like that anymore tbh). Anyways, i sent it to her and she opened it a little while ago.
(21 January 2019)

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