Thursday, 13 December 2018

Dating Log - Second and Final Entry (Part2)

(continued from Part1, posted just a few minutes ago)Fuck My Wife Lady – I’m actually now starting to work more than one contact at a time into my schedule, another feel-good position. It is now l_ Teressa:I always start sex off by eating him out first so you’d think he’d repay the favor but no…. The [...]

I have been with my boyfriend seven months and I feel like it's time to break up.
(13 December 2018)

Is it normal for a boyfriend to stop saying good morning to you? Does it mean he lost interest?
(13 December 2018)

We been dating since October 24, 2018.
(13 December 2018)

He usually says good morning but he didn't.
(13 December 2018)

My boyfriend didn't say good morning to me today.
(13 December 2018)

I haven't slept this week at all, I've been up for over 36 hours, it is like my body refusing to sleep what is wrong with me?
(13 December 2018)

A guy looks at time with a happy face and shiny, dreamy eyes... what does it mean?
(13 December 2018)

He's cute but I dont get why he could like me.
(13 December 2018)

Sometimes he even looks away, sometimes he makes a surprised face when we bump into each other at work.
(13 December 2018)

He blushes and smiles when I'm around, and he tries to look at me all the time.
(13 December 2018)

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