Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Do women really like to watch?

I am serious…? What do you want to see if you do?_ Reginia:I’m going to leave with my parents later today and I’m going change my number and deleted my Facebook page.(26 November 2018) Reginia:I know that I don’t love him anymore and I want to end things.(26 November 2018) Reginia:My parents are also worried because I lost [...]

We started hanging with other people.
(26 November 2018)

When It was my birthday I didn't invite her and I didn't invite her my high school graduation and she didn't invite me to her birthday dinner.
(26 November 2018)

My childhood friend since 5th grade and I stop being friends 2016 we where 18 we are now 21. We stop being friends once I had a boyfriend and I started to hang out with my boyfriend more only cause she was always busy.
(26 November 2018)

People say it's ok to breastfeed in public, but what if it was Bryant Gumbel being breastfed?
(26 November 2018)

I can t decide, which name is better Bennett Eli or Bennett Easton?
(26 November 2018)

Should I buy my Neice Gifts anymore?
(26 November 2018)

I know it will cause a problem, but should I just tell my brother that we aren't going to buy gifts anymore?
(26 November 2018)

I asked my Neice if her parents exchanged the bracelet for the right size and she said no and they don't really care.
(26 November 2018)

He said he'd pick it up.... which he never did.
(26 November 2018)

That way they can exchange for the right size.
(26 November 2018)

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