Would You Say My Naughty Car Flash Show_ Myrtie:Three days ago, she explained to me what maturation felt like.(7 September 2018) Myrtie:My strongest relationship is with my best friend.(7 September 2018) Myrtie:I have no libido really, and I am asexual.(7 September 2018) Maricela:There is this gay guy at my job who keeps hitting on me. What do I do?(7 [...]
Show up at the wrong house and anything can happen. 1. Has the irony been lost on you thus far 2. Wouldn't halloween be a child molestors favorite holiday?
(3 October 2018)
So these kids walk right up to all these strangers doorstep, and repeat the process at dozens of houses.
(3 October 2018)
Not all parents let their kids do that, but I get several such unsupervised groups of tweens at my house every halloween.
(3 October 2018)
But it is not uncommon for kids on the older end of the trick or treating age spectrum, such as 9-12, to go out in groups without adults.
(3 October 2018)
Sure, smaller kids are accompanied by their parents, or are at least in a group of kids where one of their parents are acting as a chaperone.
(3 October 2018)
But then, on one night every year, we forget about all of that and not only encourage kids to collect candy from strangers, but send them to all the strangers houses to do so.
(3 October 2018)
From the day kids are old enough to comprehend words, we tell them, don't talk to strangers, don't go with strangers, don't take candy from strangers and so on and so forth.
(3 October 2018)
I need help or advice not sure which? read below?
(3 October 2018)
My name is not on anything that transpired and my family is freaking out and wants his account info should i give it to them or is that breaking a trust between him and i?
(3 October 2018)
He entrusted me with his bank account information and asked me to pay a couple of things for him while he is in Venezuela.
(3 October 2018)
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