Wednesday, 5 September 2018

***Hot and Sexy Thursday***

Happy Thursday to everyone!!Which ones are your favorites? Enjoy!!Everything of something…_ Brunilda:I know i might be over reacting a little but i think i really like him.(26 August 2018) Brunilda:Something about that just made my heart jump a little.(26 August 2018) Brunilda:Then he put his heat up and smiled.(26 August 2018) Brunilda:I was staring awkwardly into the distance (STRAIGHT [...]

Who was he to bring love to me in a forceful way, what right did he had.
(2 September 2018)

He was not a child to not know about the terrible consequences that his forced love would bring on my life and health.
(2 September 2018)

18yo teen bored af?
(2 September 2018)

I haven't found a friend group yet and I feel lonely everyday.
(2 September 2018)

I just started college 3 weeks ago and I still want to go home.
(2 September 2018)

Hi. I just started college about 3 weeks ago and I still want to go home. I haven't found a friend group and i feel lonely?
(2 September 2018)

I just want to go home and I'm worried that this isn't the place for me.
(2 September 2018)

I feel like since I'm almost a month in, I should be happier than I am.
(2 September 2018)

I feel like I have acquaintances more than friends right now.
(2 September 2018)

The sorority I got wasn't my first choice so I don't love it as much as they all do.
(2 September 2018)

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