Saturday, 11 August 2018

My Memory…..

So I am sitting here after dinner, reading my news feed on the intertubes….and my iPod comes up with a tune by Santana…..early, probably the seventies…..and the organ part just jumps out at me.._ Gail:I never want to hang out with my friend??(4 August 2018) Georgiann:Women leave snail trails in panties through out the day?(4 August 2018) Wesley:What [...]

He had a physical fight with a neighbor for his ex wife.
(8 August 2018)

But 10 years later he's still fixing her car, doing yard work, arranging roof work for her, even went to the neighbor's house once to fight with a guy after he got in my moms face.
(8 August 2018)

What is the best pizza place in New York City?
(8 August 2018)

Why would a guy buy another man a gift?
(8 August 2018)

How to reveal a surprise birthday vacation to boyfriend? (creative way)?
(8 August 2018)

The trip is just over 3 weeks from now.
(8 August 2018)

I don't want to buy items as clues.
(8 August 2018)

We are going for dinner in a few days and I might do it then but unsure how to give him the clues.
(8 August 2018)

I want to reveal it by doing something creative like make a set of clues in envelopes or something but I'm not sure how to?
(8 August 2018)

Why would a man put up with a married girlfriend who cyber stalks other women she perceives as a threat? They are both in their mid 60's?
(8 August 2018)

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