Friday 10 August 2018

Admission Monday: Aug 29

Been awhile since my last post. Why is it I can make a habit of the bad things, but when it comes to something healthy, like writing/blogging, I fall off so easily?I admit to craving a cigarette, and_ Clemmie:This year has been the worst why?(3 August 2018) Keitha:My boyfriends mom gets mad anytime he pays for our [...]

Also, I'm kind of nervous what she would think if I did ask her, I'm asian and she's non asian.
(7 August 2018)

I've never had a girlfriend before and I'm not bad looking, but shy.
(7 August 2018)

And I did flirt with her and she flirts back big time.
(7 August 2018)

Every time we see each other, she's so happy to see me and won't stop looking at me, smiling trying to get close.
(7 August 2018)

I try to see her when she's not busy.
(7 August 2018)

I am not sure if it's appropriate for me to ask her out during work.
(7 August 2018)

There is this girl I really like, I'm a customer of hers, a regular and she's sort of familiar with me now.
(7 August 2018)

Sex with self harm scars?
(7 August 2018)

She's staying with me tonight she's like my sister me and her are really close to each other.
(7 August 2018)

My best friend is feeling upset right now I asked her what's wrong she said nothing I hugged her for a while.
(7 August 2018)

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