Saturday, 14 July 2018


AINT NO REAL WOMEN IN HOUSTON THAT WANT TO TAKE THE CHANCE OF GETTING FUCKED GOOD. THEY ARE SCARED OF GETTING THEIR PUSSY’S BEAT UP!_ France:That was the most traumatic experience of my life.(10 July 2018) France:I told them only one side of my stomach was numb and they consistantly tried reassuring me that was normal and [...]

I have also been tracking my periods on 2 diff apps and they both say that my O date is the 17th.
(12 July 2018)

Does this mean I missed ovulation or that I will be ovulating soon?
(12 July 2018)

This morning the morning of the 12th I used the bathroom and there was a small glob of clear stretchy mucus in the toilet paper.
(12 July 2018)

There were some in the beginning that had a faint line but then started to disappear as the days went on.
(12 July 2018)

I have been using ovulation strips since July 3rd.
(12 July 2018)

My last period started June 27th and ended on June 30th.
(12 July 2018)

My husband and I are trying to conceive this cycle.
(12 July 2018)

He is mad because I regret us?
(12 July 2018)

He is firm how great we are and happy I made him and he his feeling for me and he is hurting as much to make this decision.I say we cant be friends and I wish I never went down this path.
(12 July 2018)

He is going back to his ex gf after we've been together 4yrs.
(12 July 2018)

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