Thursday, 17 May 2018

Saturday’s Blog Question!!!

[image]Question:Think of something on your life that you feel you totally have to have and can’t do with so….I would feel totally naked with out my what fellow bloggers??_ Loan:Instead he goes to a fast food restaurant and eat alone in his car.(12 May 2018) Loan:He tells your friend that you told him not to eat any [...]

I am going to college tho which is the only exciting thing in my life.
(13 May 2018)

My life sucks honestly I have a part time job, and spend more money than I get from the job and I an 19 and don't have a car.
(13 May 2018)

I have felt this for awhile now and I just have been pushing it aside.
(13 May 2018)

Hoping a friend of mine comes over soon and helps me mess with this shirt in my backyard, any ideas on what to use?
(13 May 2018)

I dont want it ruined just kinda gross.
(13 May 2018)

My dads friend groped me yesterday but idk if he did it on purpose or not should i tell anyone?
(13 May 2018)

Why do i feel like someone is waking me up when im asleep?
(13 May 2018)

Last night i think theres someone wakes me up at around 3 am, and when im awake i see no one.
(13 May 2018)

Do they expect the man?
(13 May 2018)

Do most women if not all hardly ever approach men?
(13 May 2018)

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