Friday, 16 March 2018

Pulled a ….

Karswede?Soooo how to put this…I ummmm…am a…errmmmm ehm….wreck!??! And not even a walking one because that is part of the flipping problem!I sorta kinda bailed yesterday in a very public plac_ Kathaleen:On top of all of this, my dad just lost his job and she has two masses in her arm she just had biopsied to [...]

It is nothing weird, sexual, or romantic.
(12 March 2018)

She's my best friend we've know each other for years I'm not leaving her.
(12 March 2018)

My girlfriend is pregnant at 14 years old she'll be 15 this summer im 21. She lives with her aunt and uncle neither of them are not happy with us.
(12 March 2018)

Good venues for a hair show?
(12 March 2018)

I graduated high school four years ago i wrote my teacher on facebook we got along great back in high school she does not write me back?
(12 March 2018)

Why do I always feel lost about my job?
(12 March 2018)

I'm still single and I have tried several time to make a relationship but no one care about me.
(12 March 2018)

My friends who didn't study than me have good lives than me so when I saw them I feel lost.
(12 March 2018)

I have study well but I didn't get a perfect job.
(12 March 2018)

Can me and my girlfriend help eachother through our breakup or does that make things worse?
(12 March 2018)

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