Monday, 26 March 2018

Double dare

Two strings better than one?_ Valencia:Yes they’ve been there when I needed them but I never asked them anything.(23 March 2018) Valencia:It just makes me angry because it shows me that none of them cares about me.(23 March 2018) Valencia:I wanted so bad to invite them all to my party and spend some quality time with them but [...]

Ladies.... have you ever had a bad experience with a guy....... because he had a SMALL penis?
(22 March 2018)

If you've had this problem, what happened?
(22 March 2018)

Price Relationship:?
(22 March 2018)

If the price of each shirt is $10, and the price of each tie is $15, how many shirts does he buy?
(22 March 2018)

Bob spends a total of $140 at a certain shop, where he purchases a total of 20 shirts and ties.
(22 March 2018)

Is Donald Trump a sleeze? Would you raise your children to be like Trump, would you want your children to have a moral character like him?
(22 March 2018)

Would you want your chidren to grow up to be like Donald Trump?
(22 March 2018)

You usually look at a President and expect him to share the same American values we hold dear.
(22 March 2018)

Butterfly feeling in pelvic area. Anyone have this? Possibly pregnant. Help?
(22 March 2018)

I'll be taking a pregnancy test today but just wanted to know if anybody has had this?
(22 March 2018)

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