Sunday, 18 February 2018

Poems for Blissful Moments: Sunday, AM

I slip out of the rustle of sheets to greet a clouded vision of my Sleeping Beauty through the lust of clouded eyes. I come for her from the bottom up, lying between her supple spread,laying there wit_ Margarette:They all just kinda forget I exist until I do something wrong, then I suddenly become the scum [...]

He was the first to contact 2 days later with photos, his news and hoping I was ok.
(13 February 2018)

He was showing me photos on his computer towards the end of the trip and about one photo of him and a girl he said 'oh, that was my ex'. On parting, he said: See you in your country (we live in different countries) and I said: Keep in touch.
(13 February 2018)

Nothing physical happened..I had stated in my bio that I'm not into casual and he had split from ex girl a year previously (12 yr. relationship). Got on great, he mentioned the ex a couple of times in passing, but didn't go on about her.
(13 February 2018)

I accepted an invite to travel with this guy for a week.
(13 February 2018)

First Kiss on Valentines?
(13 February 2018)

The problem is me and my girlfriend have been dating for less than a week. neither of us have kissed before.
(13 February 2018)

Valentine's is coming up and I want to have my first kiss.
(13 February 2018)

How can i be as beautiful as megan fox?
(13 February 2018)

Can I be adopted as an adult?
(13 February 2018)

Now that I'm over 18, is there any way for me to be adopted my my birth dad?
(13 February 2018)

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