Last summer I had such hope,That by this time In my lifeI would have a loveAlas that is not the case.I am hopelessly aloneWith not a prospect In sight.How can I say that?I can with ease.For as much as_ Maurice:I tried getting a girlfriend and doing that lovey dovey stuff they don’t want that from me.(24 [...]
Okay so we've dated for 8 months and everything was so amazing... he was devoted just the boyfriend.
(23 October 2017)
How to tell if parnget?
(23 October 2017)
Why do my parents want their kids to have kids so badly?
(23 October 2017)
Do u think it's ok to ground your child from their father?
(23 October 2017)
I could see taking away TV, or toys, or friends but we don't believe her not being able to spend time with her father and brothers is good punishment.
(23 October 2017)
The mother of my husband's daughter has been grounding her from seeing her father lately when she acts up.
(23 October 2017)
I also have two boys with my husband.
(23 October 2017)
My husband has a daughter with another girl from before me.
(23 October 2017)
Would u say it is improved now?
(23 October 2017)
How to say a compliment or something nice to make someone feel very good as possible?
(23 October 2017)
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