Saturday, 21 October 2017

Don’t Quibble With Me

[image]I just created a separate post with My Profile for readers who are standard members to see or else this post won’t make any sense. This is by far not my A.F.F. debut.I concocted my first profil_ Lera:So my sister in law is getting married next weekend.(19 October 2017) Mimi:I’ve thought about it a lot and I [...]

Minorities need more law enforcement?
(18 October 2017)

Why are mooslimes so violent especially in socal?
(18 October 2017)

I almost got ran over by angry mooslime.
(18 October 2017)

At what point during sex are you no longer a virgin?
(18 October 2017)

At what literal physical moment in sex are you no longer a virgin?
(18 October 2017)

I also heard that as soon as your penis touches you are no longer a virgin.
(18 October 2017)

A friend of mine said once you bust your load you're no longer a virgin, because she can stop at any time.
(18 October 2017)

I left out information about my dad because he is fine with me moving away as long as I have a plan as to become responsible and financially fit.
(18 October 2017)

Maybe she was interested or most likely just looking for attention.
(18 October 2017)

Is it selfish to move out of state?
(18 October 2017)

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