Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Ain’t It the Truth ….

I don’t usually post pictures but …._ Rolande:I am a hard working student and I always get good grades, yet my parents fail to realize that the internet is not a bunch of time wasted.(31 October 2017) Rolande:My parents took away all of my devices since I stay too much on them, no matter how hard I [...]

Is she turning me down in a nice way or should I ask for her number again when I see her?
(29 October 2017)

What does it mean when you ask a Waitress for her number and she tells you next time you come she'll give it to you?
(29 October 2017)

What would you mean if you say.......?
(29 October 2017)

Was what I did child-molestation 7 yrs ago? Should I kill myself? Serious question, and need serious answers. Trolls will be blocked?
(29 October 2017)

I havr never done anything sexual again to this day.
(29 October 2017)

I did apologies to her, and wrote her a paper of my wrong-doings.
(29 October 2017)

At first, because she did poke her finger in my butt (She did this omce to my cousin to) I told her can I lick her vagina, she said no, I ask her another time, then she gave in.
(29 October 2017)

So, I'm 21, my sister 14. 7 yrs ago, when I was 14, and she was 7, I licked her genitals.
(29 October 2017)

Am I in the wrong of how I feel (Pregnancy)?
(29 October 2017)

Am I in the wrong for not wanting my Mom's friend at the hospital?
(29 October 2017)

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