Saturday, 30 September 2017

the Symposium: invite your friends …. (5-B&B)

The next Symposium will be opening up for voting within several days so, if you have a topic suggestion, please send it to Humorlife. thanks … xx A. [image]If you ever have a topic suggestion, ple_ Lecia:This is really a question for older women that have dated younger men.(29 September 2017) Lecia:The age difference doesnt bother me [...]

What minimum size in inches and girth does my penis have to be for a women to feel it and arouse them?
(27 September 2017)

Mine in inches erected is 5.4 inches and 4.8 inches in girth.
(27 September 2017)

Should I take this as maybe?
(27 September 2017)

Assuming that she even does ask her parents.
(27 September 2017)

Knowing me, I'm probably over thinking this, but should I consider her answer as a maybe?
(27 September 2017)

She said that she would ask her parents.
(27 September 2017)

So, I asked this girl that I like out on a date. (We're both 17) She said that she couldn't do it on Saturday, the day I orgignaly suggested, so I asked her if Friday would work.
(27 September 2017)

Boy Problem Help! Dont know what to do!!!?
(27 September 2017)

Plus he knew I had a boyfriend so I think thats why he didnt try to contact me...
(27 September 2017)

I pretty much know he used to like me, but im not sure if he does anymore....what should I do?
(27 September 2017)

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