Saturday, 2 September 2017

Peeled orange backlash….

Supermarket chain Whole Foods was forced to apologize for selling whole, peeled oranges in plastic containers at one of its California locations, after a shopper tweeted a photo of the product, questi_ Johnnie:I hope that details are not but it seems that Samantha Jo getting her panty well spanked (not hard but lasting a few minutes) [...]

I m probably way overthinking this and I have no problem if he likes Instagram models or porn but this is someone who he has a personal history with which is why Idk.
(30 August 2017)

This has made me feel weird and that he might still like her whenever I ask him he says it s just a picture but if he doesn t see her that way anymore why does he only like her body revealing pictures not normal ones?
(30 August 2017)

Anyway, he doesn t talk to her much but he actively likes photos of her which I have no problem with but he always likes pictures of her if she s showing off her body or without a shirt so basically only sexy pictures.
(30 August 2017)

He asked her out a handful of times but she always said no and he thought that he was in love with her, etc. they were best friends.
(30 August 2017)

My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 years he has told me that he used to have a huge thing for his friend that is a girl in high school.
(30 August 2017)

Should i move out?
(30 August 2017)

Should i find another house or see how it goes?
(30 August 2017)

They're claiming now that it is 'first come first serve' which is bullshit because we had all decided on our rooms.
(30 August 2017)

We had all chosen our rooms and it was all sorted.
(30 August 2017)

My bf and his friend in vacation?
(30 August 2017)

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