Monday 11 September 2017

…In Which Ginger Shares a Story

I know this may come as a shock to many of you, but before I met my husband when I was 20 years old, I had been on exactly one date with one fellow and a couple of dates with another fellow. And that_ Krystle:Where are the other people this has happened to?(9 September 2017) Krystle:I m [...]

It's been 5 days since I've heard from him so I'm just kind of confused.
(8 September 2017)

He later went out with some friends and said he would text me later that night.
(8 September 2017)

Just completely flipped the situation around and put the blame on me.
(8 September 2017)

I didn't text him just because he never replied to me.
(8 September 2017)

The next day he messaged me again and basically said we stopped talking because he was waiting for me to text him to see if I was interested in him.
(8 September 2017)

He told me he stopped talking to me because he felt like I deserved better and that I didn't deserve to deal with all his baggage.
(8 September 2017)

I talked to him for a little after that and then he just disappeared and never texted me back until last week.
(8 September 2017)

We just caught up and watched a movie, we then kissed for a while when we were saying good night.
(8 September 2017)

So this guy I graduated 3 years ago recently messaged me in June and wanted to hang out and we did.
(8 September 2017)

Should I be concerned about this little tidbit from my girlfriend's recent past?
(8 September 2017)

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