Sunday 10 September 2017

I want to FUCK!!!

Ok gentleman’s. If you made it to this blog, is because you probably want to fuck. Please. Say it. I want to fuck. Guys, the ladies will be reading, here is your chancehappyf;And you ladies, you got_ Maryjane:Mmm, lock datgap in over my mouffs.(8 September 2017) Maryjane:I’m talking nice and healthy skinny, the kind where dathoe thigh [...]

I let the whole thing go and gave him another chance after all that.
(8 September 2017)

I have been lied to, and cheated on multiple times, but I still trust him because he hasn't done anything for me not to.
(8 September 2017)

I've been in more relationships than he has.
(8 September 2017)

His ex lied to him and cheated but that's not my fault.
(8 September 2017)

I literally have been so good to him.
(8 September 2017)

He doesn't trust me at all, and I'm not sure why.
(8 September 2017)

She tries to call him sometimes still, but he never answers.
(8 September 2017)

It was great that he came to me and apoligized, and i loved that fact, but he still did what he did.
(8 September 2017)

I found out, he came crying back and went to my house and apologized to my face.
(8 September 2017)

Not even A DAY after slept with his ex.
(8 September 2017)

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