I have so many problemsIn my life.but I believe thatYou have planned better things ahead of me_ Stefania:My question why was it such a big deal for her that I move out with my parents but when it comes to this guy it doesn’t matter at all if she’s sharing a place with his mom and [...]
Im not sure if it included 4 years and over or if 4 years is okay.
(27 September 2017)
I have read up on the Romeo and Juliet law in Indiana and it says its a crime if we are over 4 years apart but we are exactly 4 years apart.
(27 September 2017)
So if I date a girl, and her parents are fine with it, when I turn 18 in a couple years, could I date a freshmen if our relationship already existed?
(27 September 2017)
I said hello to a woman and she ran away immediately as fast as she possibly could why?
(27 September 2017)
She was probably 10 years older than me.
(27 September 2017)
Can I get a girl to wait a few years to date me?
(27 September 2017)
Is there a good way to try to ask her to wait a few years to date?
(27 September 2017)
This girl is a few years younger than me and once I turn 18 in a few years, we obviously cant date because I ll be 18 and she ll still be a minor.
(27 September 2017)
What does it mean when a guy responds with a one word answer throughout the conversation?
(27 September 2017)
This doesn t just happen a few times in a row it s all the time, it s rare for him to answer with more than a one word answer.
(27 September 2017)
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