Sunday, 20 August 2017

So much pussy n cock to view

I really love looking at all the pussy n cock on this site!!! So much to slaivate over and for setting up real meetings._ Hattie:Is the women always expected to do all the inside housework?(19 August 2017) Hattie:Do you think it’s in a way sexist as well?(19 August 2017) Hattie:My parents are in their 50s so they’re up [...]

His behaviour was deluded and I was tired of everything.
(18 August 2017)

I got away from this guy months back.
(18 August 2017)

Why does she get mad whenever I hug her?
(18 August 2017)

Someone told me to kiss her and I blushed and said I wasn't going to do that, and my friend giggled and asked why I got nervous about the thought of kissing me.
(18 August 2017)

I actually hugged her once and she looked mad, but she had her cheeks turn red and she turned around and said she'll forgive me this time.
(18 August 2017)

She loves it when I'm flustered and will make me flustered whenever she feels like it.
(18 August 2017)

She'll get the nastiest people- emotionally and physically- to hug her, but she won't let me.
(18 August 2017)

She'll hug others and have them hug her.
(18 August 2017)

She's always threatening to punch me or hurt me in any other way if I do hug her.
(18 August 2017)

I have a friend that doesn't like it whenever I hug her.
(18 August 2017)

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