Friday 4 August 2017

Making Friends……..

When I was young - I had a huge circle of friends. There was always someone to do things with. I had a big group of female friends - some that I just hung out with and went shopping with……..othe_ Casie:I ask him if he wants to watch a movie with me, I ask him to [...]

My aunt is bitter and has lost her mind. How do I act around her?
(4 August 2017)

Pregnant not Pregnant?
(4 August 2017)

Somedays my breast does hurt not bad.
(4 August 2017)

I think Im just starting my period.
(4 August 2017)

Then now this morning im spotted again this time its yellow with alitte pink.
(4 August 2017)

After i spotted i felt heavy sharp pain like im starting my period no bleeding just cramping.
(4 August 2017)

Well i started my period July 14 end it July 18. Then i spotted Saturday the 29 after my honeymoon it was a light pastel pink color with tan the blood was not heavy.
(4 August 2017)

Right now I've been feeling sharp pain on my right side Im always thirsty and im not craving for chocolate normally i do when i start my perid.
(4 August 2017)

Friday August 4th on my 3 week i jave another week to go when i start my period.
(4 August 2017)

There is this female coworker i work with she is going off to college soon i asked her for her number so i could keep in touch more below?
(4 August 2017)

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