Friday 11 August 2017

Here we are again!

Sunday afternoon, there’s bugger-all on tv and now we’re watching Take Me Out: The Gossip.Even the dog is fed up and is now snuggling up on the sofa.We’ve not had much luck on here in the last month o_ Lizette:How do I get him to fall in love with me?(9 August 2017) Tammy:Is it legal for me [...]

Do you ever wonder what people are like in bed?
(9 August 2017)

Like for example whenever I see good looking people I always wonder how they are during sex?
(9 August 2017)

Is it weird to share a bed with my girlfriend?
(9 August 2017)

We're 17 and have been together for a few years now.
(9 August 2017)

When do you contact someone you're casual with?
(9 August 2017)

Last night he commented that he's always the one contacting me, like it bothers him I'm not making an effort.
(9 August 2017)

Why do people drink for no apparent reason?
(9 August 2017)

But what's the point of drinking in the backyard after work with no one else?
(9 August 2017)

I drink when I'm around company (whether it's a party, friends are just over, or going to an art gallery or museum or amusement park), because it makes me talk and engage more, and feel more excited about things.
(9 August 2017)

My roommate regularly drinks outside.. but why?
(9 August 2017)

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