Saturday 5 August 2017

An anniversary day

Heard a song on the radio today, and it reminded me that I met a particular gentleman three years ago today. To cutting a long story short, my mind reflected on a comment and response he made, today,_ Lakendra:And that’s when I realized were probably going to return to the stare offs junior year and not [...]

I'm just joking but I feel very sad.
(5 August 2017)

I never got to meet her, she's never gonna come to our wedding in the future.
(5 August 2017)

I don't want him to go through that.
(5 August 2017)

That he has to experience such a devastating lost.
(5 August 2017)

I never knew her but I feel so bad for him.
(5 August 2017)

I found out that my crushes sister died.
(5 August 2017)

How can I ask my husband to give me oral?
(5 August 2017)

I wasn't asking him to marry me .. simply trying to figure out what he wanted in life.
(5 August 2017)

I did ask him if he wanted marriage one day he became defensive.
(5 August 2017)

I need clarity why is he in my life and wtf does he want from me.
(5 August 2017)

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