Sunday, 2 July 2017


T H U R S D A Y E R O T I C_ Augustine:I cry and scream every night to make her stop.(1 July 2017) Augustine:I seen it with my own two eyes y all.(1 July 2017) Augustine:They always act goofy and give me a hard time about everything.(1 July 2017) Augustine:Everytime I go to their place I [...]

Sometimes when i look at him i catch him looking ay me and we get an intense eye contact and if he notices me far away while he's working he stands out in the open so I can see him.
(2 July 2017)

Everytome he sees me he walks up to me and talks, tells me about his new job, His career, school, where he lives.
(2 July 2017)

We always talk to each other When we see each other and hes super sweet and nice.
(2 July 2017)

Is there a name or something for being both a girl and a boy?
(2 July 2017)

Why Does It Seem That Women Are Only Approachable at Bars, Parties, and Clubs?
(2 July 2017)

But I would really like to find a place to meet quality women to date, it just seems like women don't really make themselves approachable anywhere else.
(2 July 2017)

I just feel like a massive creep talking to drunk women at parties and bars, and most of the women there are low quality and trashy.
(2 July 2017)

How do some guys get girlfriends all the time, even if they're just average looks? Do they go to bars a lot or something?
(2 July 2017)

I'm in my early 40s, I'm getting tired of these games.
(2 July 2017)

I'm not a bad looking guy either, just short.
(2 July 2017)

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