Wednesday 7 June 2017

Une, Deux, Trois, Quatre…

At the beginning of this adventure there were 2… and they would go out and play on their own…On one dark winter’s weekend, these 2 went out to play, but this time they had friends…This weekend,_ Francie:Is there a chance for a relationship with him at some future date?(5 June 2017) Francie:He’s giving the situation 1 year [...]

Should legally run away in a few years to live with my girlfriend?
(7 June 2017)

I'd also like to point out my dad is very old fashioned and will probably try arranging my marriage for me.
(7 June 2017)

Unlike mine, her parents are completely fine with it and want her to be happy.
(7 June 2017)

I know she will make me the happiest person alive and if it means leaving my family, then so be it.
(7 June 2017)

There's no way I can sit down and discuss this with them, which is why I have planned to run away to live with my girlfriend in a few years time.
(7 June 2017)

Me and my dad were never on right terms and our past also hasnt been the best, to the point where he's even beaten me.
(7 June 2017)

I dont want this life for myself.
(7 June 2017)

They expect me to study, get married to someone that they are fine with and settle down.
(7 June 2017)

I domt have the best relationship with my family, they seem to have everything in my life planned out for me when some thing I want to plan for myself.
(7 June 2017)

They are very arrogant and stubborn and would never negatiate with me.
(7 June 2017)

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