Wednesday 7 June 2017

The Sensual Writing Process, and What Sex has to do with It.

So, here’s the current rundown on a Sunday morning. I’ve been going about my blogging business for almost three years now, tabbing a few thoughts and translating my sensual ideas into print form. I en_ Elouise:And The GMC is a heavier, studier vehicle and in a lot of ways, its more fashionable, its big and beautiful.. [...]

Did I break the no contact rule?
(6 June 2017)

What is it called when during sex a man puts his penis inside her vagina then takes it out then puts it in halfway then takes it out?
(6 June 2017)

And keeps doing this a few times ?
(6 June 2017)

Dildo problems?
(6 June 2017)

I don't understand whats going on.
(6 June 2017)

I am a virgin but I'm not scared of inserting the dildo or any other kind of vaginal penetration.
(6 June 2017)

I can successfully insert a tampon or my finger in although 2 fingers is a tight squeeze and 3 or more is almost impossible without ample effort.
(6 June 2017)

I make sure I've properly aroused myself and have even came and then tried but it just stops going in, like its hitting a wall and I can't push it in any further.
(6 June 2017)

When I smile one eye closes & I hate it. How can I stop it from happening?
(6 June 2017)

How can I stop my eye from closing?
(6 June 2017)

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