Tuesday 6 June 2017

my cock

my hard cock_ Cuc:Should I talk to my best friend that I have a problem with her?(4 June 2017) Cuc:I don’t really like her friends (be friends with whoever you want by all means) but I feel like I’m coming in second and I’m never the first to know whats going on in her life.(4 June 2017) Cuc:I [...]

I feel weird turning 18?
(5 June 2017)

I have no friends right now and never did for my entire high school years all I'm hoping for is finding friends in college. o guess freedoms is nice but what's freedom without any friends?
(5 June 2017)

I'm scared of the real world and being alone.
(5 June 2017)

So I turned 18 today and I just feel as if I were still 14. Nothing about me has changed since I was 14. I still have the same mentality and style.
(5 June 2017)

My brother told my crush that i love him?
(5 June 2017)

Im so sad but at the same time a little happy cause he did not say that he does not like me.
(5 June 2017)

He told my brother that he s to young and need to study first, well me too.
(5 June 2017)

He told him that i love him but my crush misunderstood that, he thought i want him to be my boyfriend.
(5 June 2017)

My brother and my crush are very good friends.
(5 June 2017)

Is it possible to be too nervous and shy to hang out with someone you like?
(5 June 2017)

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