Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Ostrich

Unless I see a news item on line, I rarely watch news or know what is going on in the world…and you know what?…It is great! Not that I am uninformed. Once the conventions pick their candidate, I w_ Melita:Is this alright?(31 May 2017) Melita:He then had a feel of my boobs and felt my vagina and [...]

He is insecure I'll tell you that and he's nothing but loyal to me but this whole thing really bothers me that there's no trust.
(31 May 2017)

Well his brother actually took his ex girlfriend from him.
(31 May 2017)

He doesn't trust me around guys let alone his brother.
(31 May 2017)

I have never done anything in our relationship to make him feel like that.
(31 May 2017)

I'm 18 he's 20 and he doesn't trust me at all.
(31 May 2017)

Me and my fiancee of 5 years split up and she still has we are engaged on facebook what does this mean?
(31 May 2017)

All it would take is one shot to the stomach by this dog and we could lose this child. .
(31 May 2017)

Guy Question!?
(31 May 2017)

Ok, so basically there's a guy in my class and he used to be a little mean to me, but we kind of have a love hate relationship.
(31 May 2017)

Messed up big time?
(31 May 2017)

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