Monday, 15 May 2017

Put that back in your pants !!

The fresh sea breeze, against our faces, romantically blowsGrounded only by the feeling of sand between our toesShowing me your blissful content, when gently my hand you clenchDestroyed in seconds_ Gabriela:When a girl or your girlfriend tells you that she’s scared to lose you because there’s a lot other girls better than her and im going [...]

Hi, I'm 15 and a girl. I've been using an electric toothbrush as a vibrator for a while and I really want to use a dildo?
(15 May 2017)

There is a Spencer's at my local mall and I was wondering if they would let me buy one.
(15 May 2017)

Plus I feel like we just understood each other.
(15 May 2017)

Are they trying to ignore me?
(15 May 2017)

In a group I can never get a word in.
(15 May 2017)

If I'm the first to sit down at a table hen everybody else will just pick a table themselves and sit down so that I have to move over to them.
(15 May 2017)

People like me and talk to me, but nobody will go out of their way to save a seat for me and nobody will notice that I'm gone if I'm sick.
(15 May 2017)

I feel like everybody to a certain extent ignores me.
(15 May 2017)

Why did my coworker stop talking to me?
(15 May 2017)

So at least there s no awkward in person ignoring going on.
(15 May 2017)

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