Thursday, 11 May 2017

On the Boardwalk

We were young…early 30’s…and so hot for each other, working together at a local distributor in South Florida….she was in accounting and I was in sales. We were totally attracted to each oth_ Cecille:Get somewhat frequent outbreaks of cold sores on my lip.(9 May 2017) Berna:Is it ok to go see someone in the Hospital?(9 May 2017) Berna:I [...]

Why do fat guys feel the need to try to intimidate me?
(11 May 2017)

In public settings I am usually the center of attention.
(11 May 2017)

I also dress well throughout my life I never had problems with women.
(11 May 2017)

I have high cheekbones very light hazel eyes, and a define jawline.
(11 May 2017)

Not to bore you with details but I have an ideal face.
(11 May 2017)

But I am extremely physically attractive.
(11 May 2017)

I am humble and I carry myself in this manner.
(11 May 2017)

Why are parents allowed to spank babies and cause lifelong harm to them but people are not allowed to spank nursing home patients?
(11 May 2017)

My parents spanked me so I want to spank them back when they get into nursing homes because it is discipline.
(11 May 2017)

Why does he smile when we fight does he like me?
(11 May 2017)

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