If I died at my desk right now and anyone saw all the browser windows open on my computer, they’d die laughing. I have this Meelp window, I have a window open for the car I really, really want to buy_ Marianne:I didn’t know what to get him so I just paid $100 toward his cell [...]
He cheers me up when I'm feeling sad, which is a lot of the times, because I'm actually depressed.
(16 April 2017)
At work, he brings me coffee and treats to make my mornings better.
(16 April 2017)
He's always there for me, and honestly, he's the best guy I have as a friend.
(16 April 2017)
Girl: Aria Rosalie Charlotte Sofia Alexandria Hanne Elena Boy: James Ezra Elias Sebastian John Alexander Jonah Paul Also if you have any suggestions feel free.
(16 April 2017)
Tell me which boy name and which girl name is your favorite.
(16 April 2017)
We have some name ideas but we don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet.
(16 April 2017)
Should I tell him when I m in Labor?
(16 April 2017)
I don t know what to do I m deveststed.
(16 April 2017)
Should I tell him when I m in labor, let him be in the room, then once the paternity test comes back throw it in his face and then start ignoring him?
(16 April 2017)
I left distraught and now I m left not knowing what to do.
(16 April 2017)
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