Thursday, 30 March 2017

San Fran.

wow what a great week so excited i posted i was going this week thanks to this site met amazing people and wow so much fun!!!this weekend Reno_ Maura:We were planning on traveling in summer and she says I’m going to Ibiza with my friends.(29 March 2017) Ivelisse:Does this make me seem mature or stupid?(29 March 2017) Ivelisse:Working [...]

So now we havent talked for 4 days now.
(29 March 2017)

I told her I'm not happy and I've been trying to get a hold of her.
(29 March 2017)

She called immediately saying she cant believe Im ended it through text.
(29 March 2017)

So I sent a text saying that this isn't going to work for me.
(29 March 2017)

I let 2 days pass to see if she would call me.
(29 March 2017)

All I got was a text saying take care of yourself dayquil and oj.
(29 March 2017)

Didn't even call me back the next day.
(29 March 2017)

I called my gf the night of me being in pain to tell her what was going on with me.
(29 March 2017)

The dentist gave me really strong antibiotics and pain killers.
(29 March 2017)

But when it came to me I had a tooth infection which was pretty serious due to the severe throbbing pain I was feeling and I had to miss work.
(29 March 2017)

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