My mums a drug addict and i need help?
(9 February 2017)
My father isnt around and never will be anymore as he is now locked away in prison, and i have no one besides my aunty supporting me and my siblings.
(9 February 2017)
I have learnt how to cook due to my mother never preping meals for us, i cook meals for i and my siblings everyday.
(9 February 2017)
I have 3 younger siblings which i have to take care of due to my mother being locked away in her bedroom all day doing drugs.
(9 February 2017)
Im a 15 old male and my mum has been addicted to drugs for about 16 years (the cause is my dad). My mother has now reached a severe point of her addiction and has completely neglected all her duties as a mother.
(9 February 2017)
Should I stop having sex with my gf?
(9 February 2017)
So should I stop all sexual relations with her since I feel like I can't be myself around her?
(9 February 2017)
She's not even interested in indulging my fetish.
(9 February 2017)
I have a crush on a 14 year old and i'm 18. I know we can't go out but I still have feelings for her and idk what to do?
(9 February 2017)
We would talk all the time and she told me she was single but we both agreed that nothing should happen because she's 14. Now she has a boyfriend that's 17 and I just worry that he's only going to use her.
(9 February 2017)
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