Friday 17 February 2017

Homem inteligente e bem humorado, muito me atrai! ;)

São Paulo, Brazil // Sharie:Why then do almost everyone enlarge him in death beyond what he was in life?(16 February 2017) Sharie:He also hated being told when to do his homework and acted silly in class though due to ADHD so maybe not his fault.(16 February 2017) Sharie:I also learned how he would easily fall [...]

However I do have a feeling we will & if anything, I think a child would strengthen us.
(16 February 2017)

I'm not saying I know we'll get married because I don't know.
(16 February 2017)

My boyfriend and I have been together technically since we were like 8 so it was juvenile at that point, however there was still 'commitment' from then until now and hopefully forever.
(16 February 2017)

So basically, I took care of my brother with my boyfriend almost entirely for 5 years. & now we're in a foster home yet I still want a child of my own.
(16 February 2017)

My mom gave birth shortly before she was diagnosed with cancer so I was taking care of my brother with my boyfriend almost entirely.
(16 February 2017)

Having a baby would change my life drastically because I'd be kicked out of my foster home & id move in with my boyfriend & his family.
(16 February 2017)

I'm 14, a competitive dancer & tennis player.
(16 February 2017)

Would anyone be willing to date me?
(16 February 2017)

My anger turned into tears and all day I was crying because of him.
(16 February 2017)

Which made me more angry because he lied and started a conversation but didn't respond back.
(16 February 2017)

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