Thursday, 2 February 2017

Hello my name is Melissa and I would like to meet some men that live here locally.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma // Eun:I’m very confused what do i base my decision on.(1 February 2017) Eun:I’m really close with both of my friends but each is having a party and invited me.(1 February 2017) Mikaela:What’s wrong with Melania? I just saw her again today. She looks very depressed and beaten down. Is it possible [...]

She told me she s dated a 17 year old before.
(1 February 2017)

I told her this and she insisted that I wasn t.
(1 February 2017)

I feel kind of weird about the whole thing like I m too old.
(1 February 2017)

I like her a lot, she s absolutely lovely, then I found out her age.
(1 February 2017)

She has been flirting with me and I was falling for her a little.
(1 February 2017)

She moved States away but comes back in the summer.
(1 February 2017)

We met years ago but we were both very young.
(1 February 2017)

I m a 16 year old female and a 13 year old girl has recently been messaging me.
(1 February 2017)

Is it a good idea to consult an immigration attorney?
(1 February 2017)

Should I consult an immigration attorney ?
(1 February 2017)

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