Tuesday 3 January 2017

The last thing schools want to read is an LOR that feels rushed and uninterested

The communication should be so strong that it makes the reader want to choose you over the other applicants. The last thing the dental schools want is your personal statement to sound non-personal and fake. Never lose out an opportunity to take a letter of recommendation from a USA based dentist or professor._ Marlyn:So do…

My friend also catches this guy staring at me?
(2 January 2017)

His eyes also follow me sometimes when I walk by him.
(2 January 2017)

Not only that, but I catch him staring at me like 10 times a class period.
(2 January 2017)

Why would a girl be very confident around other guys but very shy around me?
(2 January 2017)

She still flirts very subtly by grabbing me in weird ways and is sometimes cheerful, but most of the time, she just looks down, gets really quiet, and if she does talk, I can hardly hear her.
(2 January 2017)

I would catch her looking and she would be so nervous around me that she would keep her head down and if she is still looking, she would blush,flare her nostrils, and sometimes her eye twitches it is so bad.
(2 January 2017)

She has no problem openly flirting with other guys, but she is a lot more subtle and quiet around me.
(2 January 2017)

Help with decision?
(2 January 2017)

Sex and Borden?
(2 January 2017)

Do we date until I get bored and then just leave or end now and wait until I'm 20. Please help.
(2 January 2017)

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