How often should I text a girl who is my friend?
(6 January 2017)
I text her on snapchat but don't wanna seem all clingy and stuff.
(6 January 2017)
I'm nervous about buying a pregnancy test & condoms. Has this ever happened to another young female like myself??? Plz help?
(6 January 2017)
So now I want to buy a pregnancy test to be sure I'm not pregnant, but I'm nervous to buy the condoms & pregnancy test.
(6 January 2017)
I want to buy the pregnancy test because I used a condom but the condom came off and it was left inside of me, so I took the morning after.
(6 January 2017)
What is your opinion on these baby girl names and how would you rate them?
(6 January 2017)
Why do men at work stare at me so much when they first meet me?
(6 January 2017)
Even still, when I meet any guy for the first time at work they just stare for a really long time or even check me out full on....is that normal?
(6 January 2017)
I noticed when I first started every guy I met would just flat out stare at me.
(6 January 2017)
I work in a professional office setting.
(6 January 2017)
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