Wednesday 4 January 2017

Let’s go out for dinner

Just looking to meet someone new to see where it goes I would love to meet a woman who is fun outgoing handles her business and spontaneous I think I bring the same qualities I like movies trying different restaurants shooting pool bowling just anything fun so if this is u then we have a [...]

I understand that many women need oral to reach orgasam, but i just cant seem to get behind it.
(4 January 2017)

I love the ladies, yes im single virgin, and if youre gonna provide a rude disrespectful answer then i'd prefer you not answer at all.
(4 January 2017)

From a scale of 1-to-10, how much of a manly man am I, and am I more of a man than my dad?
(4 January 2017)

I am a non-violent, non-rebellious, self-conscious, introverted male.
(4 January 2017)

His actions towards me was also one of the stress factors leading to self-defamation where I would tell lies about myself being a convicted paedophile, which has only gotten me blacklisted from a metro program by people around the globe.
(4 January 2017)

He also has a very annoying habit that is 2nd to nature where he will give me orders to do something while giving virtually no orders to my other siblings.
(4 January 2017)

My father doesnt want me to speak to men.He even stares at them angrily.He wipes dust off my thighs because he says I want you to look good?
(4 January 2017)

Is it weird for a 25 y.old woman to love an 81 y.old guy?
(4 January 2017)

What if the guy looks much younger than his age, is pretty tall, relatively fit and incredibly kind?
(4 January 2017)

In law problems! Help!?
(4 January 2017)

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